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By Alieh Balke


The lives of quite a large number of those around us are negatively influenced by a hidden systemic dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family. Present-day problems and difficulties may trace back to traumas suffered in previous generations of the family. Those affected now are unaware of the original event in the past. The Family Constellation attempts to reveal a previously unrecognized systemic dynamic which goes back to an unresolved trauma that has afflicted a family through an extraordinary event.


The Family Constellation attempts to resolve the deleterious effects of that dynamic by encouraging the subject to come to terms with the factual realities of one's own past. This remarkable revelation is bound to release and resolve profound tensions within the subject and between people. The process, which involves Family Constellation technique involves family representation through by strangers contributes towards lightening emotional burdens, and resolving real-world problems.


The soul is a delicate, vulnerable God-given source of life. A troubled soul paralyzes body and spirit. Our combined efforts will be to uncover the reasons for your predicament, lighten your burden and possibly make you aware of how to come to terms with yourself and your environment.

"We are all part of and connected to a family system. Both consciously and unconsciously we adopt the feelings and behavior of our ancestors preventing ourselves from success and happiness. Seldomly do we dare to be happier or more successful than those that came before us. Through family constellation the blockade we created for ourselves will be released allowing us to begin a new life with a new perspective."

-Alieh Balke


Anyone who desires to grow and thrive spiritually and mentally

People in problematic relationships

People who look to find a partner

People suffering from chronic illnesses

People who want to free themselves from entanglements

People who need to make an important decision

People who wish to overcome internal and external conflicts

People who want to find professional success


Conflicts and fateful events

Parents who seperate looking to find the right place for their children


Constant disease & lack of motivation

Realigning a team after structural changes in the company

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